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Loosely based on Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni il dissoluto punito" and inspired by the remaking of Saramago "Don Giovanni the dissolute acquitted", Don Giovanni Opera Buffa offers a reflection on gender stereotypes by staging an original, fun and modern version of story of the famous libertine. The light-hearted puppets interpret the main characters accompanied by the singing and music of an opera singer who, live, performs the most famous Mozart arias.

Don Giovanni, helped by the almost-always faithful Leporello, is as usual intent on conquering, or rather chasing, beautiful girls but, very soon, it will be he who will have to escape from jealous husbands, angry ladies and ghosts in search of revenge-

Opera theater becomes street art, tradition and contemporaneity mix in a timeless story and, in our case, even without end: is the dissolute acquitted or punished? The public will decide.

"I'm not kidding, I want to go ... Is there someone in the audience there who wants to hire me? I know how to wash dishes and consciences, I know how to make bread and stake, peel potatoes and cats, weave cloths and deceptions ... "

Duration: 50 minutes. 
The show can be represented both indoors (theater, hall, auditorium, gym, etc.) and outdoors (square, garden, very large street) ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
We have a structure that needs a scenic space of 4x4 meters . 
We have independent audio and lighting services . 
Technical needs: connection to the electricity grid . 
Music: popular, not protected by the SIAE.  
Number of actors: 3 (2 manipulators and 1 singer / musician)
Assembly time: approx. 2 h . 
Disassembly time: approx. 1 h 30. 


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